Wow, I’m Slow

I’ve seen Micheal Moore’s quote about the veracity of his new movie in several articles. You know, this one: “Every single fact I state in ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ is the absolute and irrefutable truth…Do not let anyone say this or that isn’t true. If they say that, they are lying”. But it only just occurred to me that that first sentence is a tautology. Typical, that.

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  1. Don’t get me started. Please. 😉

  2. again the blasted misuse of language. “facts” nowadays aren’t defined by their truth or falsity, but simply as statements.
    like how “false doctrine” should be self-contradictory, as doctrine means truth.

    1. could be misuse – could be wry wit. for all we know, he’s waiting for someone (in the context of interviewing him) to catch the joke and call him on it.

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