Friday night at the movies is looking iffy, due to a prior obligation.
I discoved just now that Cinema Sundays at The Charles is screening In the Realms of the Unreal, the documentary about visionary artist Henry Darger. As they summarize it:
Ubiquitous child star Dakota Fanning narrates this
visionary documentary about visionary outsider artist
Henry Darger—a janitor whose ambitious life’s work
included 300 paintings and 30,000 pages of writing.
His magnum opus—The Realms of the Unreal, a 15-volume,
15,000-plus-page illustrated novel on which he had
apparently been working since 1909 until his death in
1972–told of the Vivian Girls, seven blond Kewpie
doll-like heroines who are the sweet-souled, ferocious
leaders of the Child Slave Revolt. Darger’s work is
part of the collection at Baltimore’s own [American]
Visionary Art Museum.
“Aha!” I thought, “wouldn’t it be fun to go to see this movie, and then visit AVAM to see some of the man’s work?” So I gave the museum a call. Sadly, none of Henry Darger’s work is currently on display. There goes that idea.
You did that crazy thing to the link again where it just leads back to your journal.
Have I mentioned that I loath Deepest Sender sometimes?
Re: Fixed.
No, you haven’t.
the movie was a mixed bag, but it was intriguing to see some new facts about h.d.
( btw, the 15,000 pages are typeswritten and single-spaced – mostly on legal-sized paper. so i’d estimate a publication in standard-book-format at 45,000+ pages! and that’s not counting the 10,000-typewritten-page sequel! )
google and google-image will show some good info on him.
that sounds like it could be cool, if i wasn’t feeling like ass right now. the avam had some of his work up for a show in the not-so-distant past… either the “love: error & eros” show, or the “we are not alone: angels & aliens” show…
okay, apparently that was a long damn time ago: