Ascension kicked ass las night. It was great to see , , , and , and a real treat to finally get a chance to talk to and IRL. The addition of couches has eliminated my chief complaint about Orpheus. I only danced a little, mainly befcause I spent most of my time being social. Anyone who has known me for at least a year knows what an achievement that is. Awhile back I was envying other’s ability to socialize at clubs, and I asked “What do you people talk about?” A very wise woman replied “Livejournal”, and can confidently say that she was absolutely right. The shared background of online discussion provides a great jumping-off point for offline conversation. Thank you, , if you’re reading this.

We finally went to see The Incredibles this afternoon, and it made me very happy.

Now I’m sipping coffee and waiting for some laundry to finish so I can take it to the laundromat (our dryer is on the blink). I’ll pass the time reading Jung, I think… or maybe just dozing. If anyone in the area is bored and wants to entertain me, give me a call.

I love my , and I hope she feels better soon.

I leave you in the able hands of Hafiz:

Someone put
You on a slave block
And the unreal bought

Now I keep coming to your owner

“This one is mine.”

You often overhear us talking
And this can make your heart leap
With excitement

Don’t worry,
I will not let sadness
Possess you.

I will gladly borrow all the gold
I need

To get you

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  1. it would be nice to have a long conversation with you sometime when it is not so loud and i am not so shy. the latter should be alleviated by our next encounter; it takes me a little while to open up to someone enough to say something other than silly comments…

    that said, it *was* lovely to meet you. 🙂

  2. Hafiz is amazing! I would love to hear you read this stuff to me sometime. 🙂

  3. It was wonderful to see you last night!!! At first I thought you were someone else since I have terrible vision but when I realized it was you I was very happy! Thank you again for coming out and I am so happy that you had a good time! 🙂

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