Last Saturday

Dude, I totally forgot to tell you about all the fun I had last Saturday.  I had a hankering to wander around the Inner Harbor, so we drove down there after lunch.  We parked in little Italy and then walked to Bin 604, where I signed avivahg up for their Basics of Wine Tasting class. From there we wandered over to the James Joyce pub for Guinness (me), Irish coffee (her) and blueberry-peach bread pudding (shared).  The we walked along the water until we came upon Seven Foot Knoll Lighthouse, part of the Baltimore Maritime Museum.  It stood for 133 years(!) in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay, until it was uprooted and moved to Pier 5.  Until the light was automated, the lighthouse keeper lived on the lighthouse year-round, together with his family and livestock.

After that we walked to Barnes & Noble at the old power plant, and then back to the car via Whole Foods.  And the rest has been recorded elsewhere.

I swear, I’ve lived near Baltimore all my life and I feel like I’m still scratching the surface of that city.  I’d like to get to know it for more than just the clubs and the tourist traps while I’m still in the area.  Any city-dwellers feel like showing us around some weekend(s)?

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  1. Same here–no matter how much I explore the city, it’s barely the tip of the iceberg…
    I work down here though, and some of my coworkers grew up here so they’ve showed me a lot of restaurants ‘n stuff.

    1. You work here? I knew you hailed from Hanover, didn’t realize you worked in the B’more area. May I ask where?

      1. around Tide Point (~1mi from Fort McHenry)… these guys πŸ™‚

        1. Ah. I work in Towson.

          Out of curiousity, how’d you meet ?

          1. I think we happened to run into each other in a while ago. Turns out, after chatting a bit to discover who each other is, we actually sat next to each other at Carroll Community College graduation a few years ago. Haha! πŸ™‚

          2. Good ole’ CCC… I didn’t attend at the same time she did, but I have mostly good memories. More of working there than of the classes, though.

          3. Ahhh. I worked there too (the computer labs upstairs), those were definitely the best of memories of that place.

          4. Same here. Was John Polly still in charge when you were there?

          5. Yeah. I think I worked there… fall 2000 until spring 2002, I think. Haha, we were both Uptowners!

          6. I think I left in the spring of ’99, not long after bringing the new (library) wing online. I came in… probably sometime in ’97. Back when the computer dept. office was in a closet πŸ˜‰

          7. hahahaha
            I heard stories of that.
            They built a bunch of additional buildings right before I got out… the most interaction I had with those buildings included a tour months before they opened, and that was about it.

          8. Were the Administrative Assistant classes as annoying as I remember them? I recall the teachers in those classes having an almost voodoo-like comprehension of computers – “It used to work whenever I spun around three times and said a Hail Mary. Make it work that way again!”

          9. Yeah I think so… the “secretary lab” as we called it, fortunately, I somehow managed to rarely deal with them. Not sure how or why, but most of the time it was someone other than me walking over there.

          10. The lab aide gods must have smiled upon you. It was the same for me, but boy I dreaded it when I did have to go. !@*$ing WordPerfect.

            Most of my memories were good though. I had one pair of ladies buy me a gift certificate and write a letter to all my bosses about how great I was after helping them out in their Computers 101 class. I make a lot more money now, but nobody hugs me for doing a good job anymore… :-/

          11. hahaha
            My favorite task there was setting up the video lab for some CGR video production class. Just playing around with all kinds of bad-ass video production hardware… it kept me happy for a few weeks πŸ˜€

  2. Been to the black wax museum?

    1. Nope. Tell me more?

      1. – of particular interest is the replice of the slave ship

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