Beauty in the Breakdown

Thoughts while on my daily walk around the parking lot:

Some people make pain look so good. Not “good” as in “inviting”; but as in beautiful. You know the type. The poetry they write, the words they say, the way their lip trembles when they are tearing up – I just want to wrap them up in my arms and hold them and tell them everything is going to be okay.

And that’s fine, and good, and you I should probably do that more often. But what about everyone else? Nobody is free from pain. But only a lucky few show it in a way that draws such an instantly sympathetic response. Others have less attractive ways of showing it – anger, hostility, cynicism, jealousy, vindictiveness, coldness. It seems unfair of me that I should only notice those who show their unhappiness in ways that tug the heartstrings.

Avalokiteshvara, Kuan-Yin to the Chinese,
Lady of Compassion, I invoke your name:
Grant me clear vision to see the suffering behind anger, fear, and hate.
Let me have compassion equally for all who are in pain.

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  1. Interesting point.

  2. Interesting point.

  3. wow

    I don’t know but this post seemed to really touch upon something I was feeling earlier today. Is the quote from a Buddhist writing?

    1. Re: wow

      No, it’s just a quote from me. But thanks 🙂

    2. Re: wow

      No, it’s just a quote from me. But thanks 🙂

  4. wow

    I don’t know but this post seemed to really touch upon something I was feeling earlier today. Is the quote from a Buddhist writing?

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