I guess I missed the memo announcing “dress like a fucking tool day”

Holy hell in a handbasket, the zombies have arisen.  I get to work today and everyone’s wearing purple football crap.  The guy who went up the stairs ahead of me had purple camouflage pants on and a fucking football helmet, I swear to dog.  I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried.

Any minute now I’m going to wake up.  Any minute now…

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  1. This is the first LJ post I have ever felt compelled to read aloud to my wife (when I stopped laughing).

    I’m sorry for your troubles, but hysterical is a good word…

    1. Offtopic, but: I know you are one of Jamie’s libertarian friends. Did I meet you at the meeting in Bel Air last Sunday?

      1. Sadly not, I wasn’t able to be there. I have it in stone (well, on my wife’s calender anyway) that I will be at the next one.

        1. I don’t have any plans to go to the next meeting (I was really there for the Sudbury School presentation). But perhaps I will meet you one of these days anyway. I’d be interested in going shooting with you guys sometime.

          1. by all means. my email is in my profile, drop me a line sometime.
            is the sudbury presentation online anywhere by chance? I was pretty bummed to have missed that.

          2. I am the nexus. In the future, you will all be my army.

        2. You may want to get out your chisel: the meeting is the SECOND sunday on february, since the first sunday is Superbowl Sunday and we figured we didn’t want to compete.

  2. You need to get a one-eyed, one-horned, purple people eater. 😀

    1. Seriously.

      So that’s what that song’s about.

  3. Yeah. I know.

    But I must confess: I am actually a Raven’s fan, and I am actually wearing a Purple No. 31 Jamal Lewis jersey right now.

    I understand your duress. However, I take this opportunity to take advantage of the corporately-limited socially acceptable Act of Gaudiness and wear something I feel more comfortable in.

    As a counterpoint, during christmastime, my cubicle was so barren, some folks here thought it funny to forcibly decorate my Space with eye-sore candy canes and “happy” lights….gag. They didn’t last long.

    So I respectfully declare understanding of your viewpoint (I was there 6 years ago) and I have to add: GO RAVENS!!! 🙂

    Cheers, in all good fun. 🙂

  4. “purple camouflage pants on”

    Doesn’t that fall under the “don’t ask, don’t tell” decision?

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