Oh yeah, I’m going to a salon to consult about what to do with my hair tomorrow.

I love my hair, but 10+ years of long-on-top-shaved-on-the-sides is enough.

I don’t know what to do with it, though, so I’m consulting an expert for ideas.

If anyone has any brilliant fashion inspirations, speak now.

(Here’s a crappy self-portrait, for reference.)

EDIT: Here’s a somewhat less crappy photo for reference:
At the Harp & Fiddle

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  1. Good luck with that. Just remember, it will always grow back.

  2. I’ve found that you can never go wrong with a classic beehive.

  3. I’ve been thinking about doing something different with my hair. Having not gotten it cut by a barber in 11 years I think it’s time to do something, well, at least different, maybe not drastic. You’ll have to say how your experience goes.

  4. Neither of the photo’s really show your hair very well….you could do punk green spikes.

    1. Well the point is more to show the face, because that’s going to be the one constant factor in any new style I get.

      1. 😀 I suppose that’s true! Hopefully anyway.

  5. Ill place your new macbook order.

  6. Simple,….

    A friend of mine did the following in high school, it was pretty cool and would probably work with you.

    Just shave one side, (ie: left) of your head and let the other grow long.


  7. I am particularly fond of the short in the back and long in the front do…

  8. You know my solution to the hair problem!

  9. I took a few pics of you too. . .

    We should do the girl thing and get our hair cut together. Of course, I still haven’t decided what to do with mine either. . .

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