And for all that…

I have to admit things are awfully good, for being so awful. avivahg and I are getting along better than ever, and I feel she’s growing and developing in a number of exciting ways. It’s shaping up to be quite a fun weekend. And I have more friends than ever before to listen to my bitching and moaning.

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  1. i’m glad to see your feeling more positive. like i said in avivahg’s post, i suspect your perception of your financial woes may be overly dismal. hope you guys have fun tonight, and this weekend!

  2. now u just gotta learn how to talk about touchie subjects;)

  3. Avdi, I may not always comment on your entries, but I always read them. You and have been through a lot lately, but you’ve both been trying so hard, and I believe it’s paying off.
    You two deserve nothing but happiness. I think you will be getting a lot of that.
    I wish my plans were going to take me to the east coast, but alas… no more.
    and I apparently have different paths to take. One of these days, I hope we could chat a bit on the phone (I can call, I have an unlimited phone plan).
    Have a very happy weekend!

  4. I think that the ability to apreciate the here and the now is so wonderful šŸ˜€

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