LikeA Pair
Of mismatched newlyweds,
One of whom still feels very insecure,
I keep turning to God
– Hafiz
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LikeA Pair
Of mismatched newlyweds,
One of whom still feels very insecure,
I keep turning to God
– Hafiz
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I know that feeling very well.
This poem feels like a dischordant note within.
I couldn’t have even proposed to my wife, lacked I deep conviction that this marriage was within the divine plan.
Thus, the concept of ‘mismatched newlyweds’ (and let’s not kid ourselves, it’s a common theme of the divorce courts, it happens) is something that happens at a distance, to others.
Great post, props to Hafiz, if you know the author’s location.
Re: Wow
if you know the author’s location.
Iran, about 700 years rearwards.
I know what he’s talking about. Albeit, perhaps, not from the insecure one’s perspective.
But that’s from earthly experience.
When it comes to God, I think we’re all a little insecure.
I know I am.
Re: Wow
Intellectually, yes. Transcendental numbers bring this home.
Spritually, the Christ has removed this anxiety.
However, as Peter classically demonstrates, taking one’s eyes off the Christ can produce a sinking feeling.
The anxiety is not a bug; it’s a feature. The absence of anxiety is fanaticism, a modern plague.
Love the poem.