Say, what’s this knife doing in my hand?
Oh look, it’s covered in blood.
Hey, what are you doing over there?
You don’t look so good.
Like someone stabbed you
Over and over again
For years.
I wish I had it in me
To wish for death.
I wish blood would appease
This malevolent god
Of broken dreams.
Why can’t I be someone else?
Or even myself
Only ten years later?
What have I become?
What have I done?
When I am finally complete
Will there be anyone left
To forgive me?
Not really.
Like a parent or a coder…
…sits the Almighty, viewing creation, loving it, grieving that the freewill zone, tragically, intrinsically, supports the possibility of the undesirable.
>Will there be anyone left
>To forgive me?
Ah, the debugger was run those years ago by the carpenter. Apply the patch, and ponder its significance.
Re: Like a parent or a coder…
I’m sorry, but that was just wonderful. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Christianity being described in programming terms before. That was just… very, very cool.
you know where i am and how to get ahold of me if i can help in anyway,
Thank you.
Steve: “Fascinatingly morose.”
Becka: “Fascinating period.”