First of all: today marks one month that I have been walking/running/hiking six days a week. I’m trying to think of how to reward myself. I’d like to get a new pair of running shoes, but I don’t think I can afford it.
So far it’s been pretty light, twenty minutes or so of brisk walking every morning with some running thrown in at intervals, and hiking on the weekends. Just to get my muscles used to the idea. Now that a month is up it’s time to kick it up a notch. I think I’ll try for no less than 30 minutes a day at my target heart rate, plus warm-up and cool-down.
My goal: at the end of a year, 11 months from today, I want to be able to run for twenty minutes. That may not sound like much, but for an asthmatic who has never been able to run for more than a minute at a time, it’s a lot.
I had a decent weekend. Got my taxes more or less finished off, got caught up on the bills. Spent a lot of time outside.
Went to see Sin City with shadowandlight. For what it was, it was very good, and I can recommend it to most of my less squeamish readers. Myself, I didn’t care for it. I’m not able to detach myself sufficiently to enjoy Tarantino-style rampant bloodletting. Or more accurately, I have chosen not to be able to detach myself that much. I can’t enjoy watching people in agony, even when it’s fictional and cartoony, even when it’s richly deserved. Call me a wuss, if you like. I can stomach it, but I can’t enjoy it.
It was very stylish though. And Bruce Willis does an amazing Clint Eastwood impression.
avivahg threw her back out Saturday night after the movie. So I spent most of Sunday doing the grocery shopping.
My dad moves out today.
Tonight: possibly video games? We shall see…
And now it’s back to the grind. Hope everyone has a great day!
I can’tm watch to much gore either. The funny thing is that somtimes cartoon gore is worse than regular gore, I guess because with really people, the nurse-type detachment kicks in. With real people I’m thinking about what exactly they hurt and what you would do about it.
Glad to hear you’re getting lots of excercise, I didn’t know you had asthama. Excercise is one of the best things you can do for asthama though.
I can’tm watch to much gore either. The funny thing is that somtimes cartoon gore is worse than regular gore, I guess because with really people, the nurse-type detachment kicks in. With real people I’m thinking about what exactly they hurt and what you would do about it.
Glad to hear you’re getting lots of excercise, I didn’t know you had asthama. Excercise is one of the best things you can do for asthama though.