Do I look like a fucking help desk?

I think every programmer winds up doing a certain amount of admin in the course of their career. It’s just part of the job. I’m not complaining. Hell, I think I effectively volunteered to admin this particular piece of software by dint of not running away fast enough.

That said, co-workers of a software engineer would do well to remember that he/she is, first and foremost, a software engineer. The admin work is a necessity, not a hobby. We don’t pick the tools, we just maintain them. It’s not our fault when the tool sucks. Nor is it our fault when the tool doesn’t work the way you expect it to. Especially the latter.

So do your best to figure it out for yourself. And failing that, just tell me the fucking problem and say “thank you” when it’s fixed. Spare me the commentary on the quality of the tool and your innability to grasp it’s philosophy.

EDIT: As usual, I’m angry because I’m upset with myself. I got slightly defensive about a tool I really don’t give a shit about, as a result of my co-worker’s attitude. I’m sorry, but when you’re the only user who frequently has problems with the tool, despite the fact that no one here is actually trained to use it, I have to wonder if it’s really the tool which is causing the problems. I think some people, as soon as they discover they have to work with a new tool, decide to point out at every turn how inferior it is to what they are used to. I’ve been guilty of this myself; the difference is, I make an effort to learn the tool inside and out despite my bitching.

The fact of the matter is that software tools are still at an appallingly primitive level. Which means that a big part of being a professional coder in this day and age is the ability to use lousy tools adeptly and efficiently. Programmers who don’t get this should be outsourced.

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  1. just remember, people are tools…in every sense of the word. 😉

  2. just remember, people are tools…in every sense of the word. 😉

  3. It’s a fish

    I’ve got no problems showing people how to fish; it’s when they just expect me to toss trout daily that I catch air.
    People commenting on the quality of the tool are often covering their shame.

  4. It’s a fish

    I’ve got no problems showing people how to fish; it’s when they just expect me to toss trout daily that I catch air.
    People commenting on the quality of the tool are often covering their shame.

  5. I’ve been guilty of this myself; the difference is, I make an effort to learn the tool inside and out despite my bitching.

    Rock on! I spent thirty minutes today wrestling with (and cursing at) Visual Studio 2003, which is new in our shop. But I tried to keep the cursing under my breath and I eventually did learn how to do what I wanted.

    Although I still think that the .NET libraries are lame. Comprehensive but not convenient to use. Much better than MFC, but then that’s not saying much.

    … when you’re the only user who frequently has problems with the tool, despite the fact that no one here is actually trained to use it, I have to wonder if it’s really the tool which is causing the problems.

    A fool with a tool… is still a fool.

  6. I’ve been guilty of this myself; the difference is, I make an effort to learn the tool inside and out despite my bitching.

    Rock on! I spent thirty minutes today wrestling with (and cursing at) Visual Studio 2003, which is new in our shop. But I tried to keep the cursing under my breath and I eventually did learn how to do what I wanted.

    Although I still think that the .NET libraries are lame. Comprehensive but not convenient to use. Much better than MFC, but then that’s not saying much.

    … when you’re the only user who frequently has problems with the tool, despite the fact that no one here is actually trained to use it, I have to wonder if it’s really the tool which is causing the problems.

    A fool with a tool… is still a fool.

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