Last night: drumming at Heathcote. Good times. Brought my little doumbek, but wound up playing a conga most of the night. No idea what I was doing, but fun anyway. It’s more of a class format than a free-form drum circle format, so hopefully if I keep attending I will eventually know what I’m doing. Got to play with one of the brand-new xylophones that were being unveiled. Not the little metal kind, the big wooden kind. Very pretty sound.

Cool, low-key atmosphere. I think almost everyone there was a member of the community. Children wandered in and clambered over their mothers or beat on the drums. Didn’t realize till I got in my car that it had gone on an hour longer than I had expected.

Today: Lunch with greymaiden. After work, do the exercise and meditation I missed this morning. Try to meditate in nonthreatening and unsuspicious manner, to avoid attention from police.

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  1. Watch out!

    They might peg you as a serial meditator, and then they’ll never let you rest!

    1. Re: Watch out!

      Heh. I actually used that line (“serial meditator”) at lunch yesterday. Some of the guys suggested I start meditating in random yards.

      1. Re: Watch out!

        That’d be awesome. 😀

      2. Re: Watch out!

        That’d be awesome. 😀

    2. Re: Watch out!

      Heh. I actually used that line (“serial meditator”) at lunch yesterday. Some of the guys suggested I start meditating in random yards.

  2. Watch out!

    They might peg you as a serial meditator, and then they’ll never let you rest!

  3. It’s nice to be around “community”, even if you don’t live there, eh?

    If not a serial meditator then at least a repeat meditator.

    You might even turn into a career meditator.

    Maybe you need to a license to meditate in public? Maybe wear a sign?

    1. Yes, but does any of this qualify as premeditated meditation? I mean, he did turn into the yard with the intent to meditate.

      1. I wanted my premeditated meditation to be mediated by a medievel medicine man, but somehow I think they’d find that even MORE suspicious.

        1. dude…

          after that sentence.. be sure to find your meds…

        2. dude…

          after that sentence.. be sure to find your meds…

      2. I wanted my premeditated meditation to be mediated by a medievel medicine man, but somehow I think they’d find that even MORE suspicious.

    2. Yes, but does any of this qualify as premeditated meditation? I mean, he did turn into the yard with the intent to meditate.

  4. It’s nice to be around “community”, even if you don’t live there, eh?

    If not a serial meditator then at least a repeat meditator.

    You might even turn into a career meditator.

    Maybe you need to a license to meditate in public? Maybe wear a sign?

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