- Ugly sub-pixel font smoothing: See here. There’s a file created in your home directory (by KDE?) called .fonts.conf, which configures font smoothing, and it configures it wrong for Edgy. Got rid of it.
- Swap file not activated, or hibernate not working (the latter is caused by the former): ‘sudo mkswap [your swap partition]’. Dunno why I had to do this; maybe the upgrade corrupted the swap partition? Also note that Edgy has now uses UUIDs in /etc/fstab instead of device paths, and that it automatically modifies /etc/fstab. The old fstab is saved in /etc/fstab.pre-uuid. See here for more.
- Touchpad scrolling no worky: Opened kynaptics, and enabled “ALPS touchpad”.
- I had to reset my KDE keybindings back to the 4-modifier version (System Settings->Keyboard and Mouse->Shortcut Schemes). Dunno why, but KDE seems to like to lose this setting if I just look at it funny.
- lineakd no longer handling Mute and Volume media buttons: Uninstalled kmilo.
- Ugly Emacs fonts: this possibly unrelated thread points out that /etc/X11/xorg.conf uses the wrong font paths by default. I corrected this. I’m not sure if that fixed it, or if it was deleting ~/.fonts.conf which did it.
UPDATE: The above did not fix my issue with swap being disabled and hibernation not working. I eventually traced the core issue down to the fact that the upgrade had failed to configure the kernel to look at my swap partition for resume information. As a result, the kernel was booting normally instead of resuming the hibernated session. Then it would try to activate the swap partition, and since the swap partition contained the previous session it would see it as a corrupted swap partition, and fail to enable it. Then I would have to manually re-format the partition as swap space using mkswap. As a side effect this generated a new UUID for the partition each time, so the new-style /etc/fstab entry, which uses partition UUIDs instead of device paths, was invalidated.
The solution was to edit /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume to contain “RESUME=/dev/sda6” (sda6 being my swap partition). Then I ran ‘sudo update-initramfs -u -k`uname -r`’ to update the initramfs file with the new configuration (the `uname -r` part inserts the running kernel’s release info into the command). After I hibernated and then powered on, the kernel recognized the swap partition as the home of hibernate data, and successfully resumed my session.
I know, obvious, right?