I’ve had a good weekend.

The party was an unqualified success. All in all 13 guests showed up. The weather was lovely, the food and drink was great. As far as I could tell, a good time was had by all. I spent a lot of it running around like a chicken with my head cut off, but I did my best to mingle and make sure everyone felt welcome. I hope I succeeded. I am happy to report that avivahg thoroughly enjoyed the party, and that’s the most important part.

Thanks to everyone who showed up – ratspy, nixer, jjackallen, Rosa, greymaiden, thesaj. Thank you for the food and the gifts. Thanks to darkpool for the use of your chairs and table. Thanks to avivahg for making those delicious deviled eggs despite the fact that the party was in your honor. Thanks most of all to shadowandlight, predestinedsoul, and my mom; without who’s help the party would not have been possible. shadowandlight in particular put a tremendous amount of time and effort into making the party a success – cleaning, helping me set up the tarp, shopping with me, setting up the badminton net, with predestinedsoul‘s help baking two yummy cakes, and, of course, doing a masterful job running the grill. Not to mention helping me wind down afterwards with video games and a movie.

So that came together well, and I feel a little more confident in my ability to throw a successful party.

Sunday we all went out with my mom to see Hitchiker’s Guide, which I think everyone enjoyed. Afterwards we went to our favorite mexican restaurant. Back home, I played badminton with the kids, then watched the first part of “Kung Phooey” with them, and finally watched LaO:CI with avivahg before falling into an exhasuted sleep.

Like I said, a good weekend.

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  1. Actually Jay and I baked the cakes, Allie wasn’t even around, I think she might have helped with icing though….

    1. Whoops, sorry about that. Thanks!

    2. Whoops, sorry about that. Thanks!

  2. Actually Jay and I baked the cakes, Allie wasn’t even around, I think she might have helped with icing though….

  3. It’s funny how you make it sound like I helped…

  4. It’s funny how you make it sound like I helped…

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