My New Years resolution is to have a child by the end of 2008.

Which should be easy to do, since Stacey’s pregnant!

Stacey announced it a little while ago on her journal, but I figured I’d post it here for those who don’t read both of our journals. Projected due date is late August. The birth of the perfected being, provisionally termed “Homo Sapiens 2.0”, is expected to be accompanied by offerings of peace and tribute from several neighboring star systems, and will usher in a new era of hope and prosperity for humanity.

(That’s not really my New Years resolution, it just made for a good intro.)

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  1. Wooo! Congrats! Yay for spawn! 😀

  2. well hey! congratulations to you both!

  3. CONGRATS to you both!!!

  4. Wow, congratulations! And the great empire shall begin… 😉

  5. Wow, I didn’t know that. Didn’t even know Stacey had an LJ. Congrats!

  6. Well It sounds like a good resolution, not to difficult for you to keep. 😀

  7. Congratulations to you and Stacey! Please pass my well wishes on to her. 🙂 I’m so happy for the both of you.

  8. You should name him

    Hugh Shawn or something else where the first name starts with “H” and the middle name “S” for Homo Sapien 2.0


    1. The first thing I saw when reading your comment was “Huge Spawn” LOL

      1. The Grimm Spawn


  9. How did I miss this?!?!


    /me starts tracking down the gold, frankincense, and myrrh early. 😉

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