Corporate Leave Policies?

A question for anyone, but particularly those in the IT field: if your company has a defined leave policy (i.e. you’re not a freelancer), what is it?  How much paid time off/vacation time do you get a year?  And if you happen to know, how much paid paternity/maternity leave are you elligible for?


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  1. I work for a non-profit AND I’ve worked there ten years, so we have great benefits to begin with plus I’ve earned more, so this is probably not typical. I get 4 weeks paid vacation per year (started with two, went to 3 at 5 years, and 4 at 8), we have 12 major holidays, plus I get one sick day per month which accrue ad infinitum if I don’t use them. With each of the kids I got six weeks paid leave, although with the second two the policy changed so that instead of being on short term diasability after the first two weeks like I was the first time, I had to use all my accrued sick time first and then it switched to short term disability for the duration. I actually used vacation time after that and ended up having about 8 weeks off for maternity leave each time. I have a fantastic boss, though, and he would have probably given me anything I asked for. After the short term disability (the HR department refers to this as STD which makes me giggle every time), I can opt to take an additional 6 months of long term disability at 70% pay. I work from home, though, and my job isn’t all that taxing most days, so I never did that. I don’t think we offer paid paternity leave, although it’s probably up to the manager’s approval so if anyone tried to take it, they might be able to.

  2. Leave

    Up to 12 weeks of parental leave (4 weeks paid at 100 percent of base salary and 8 weeks unpaid) at any time within 12 months of a child’s birth or placement.

    Sick Leave – 80 hours a year

    Holidays – I think there are about 10, two are floating (take when you want)

    Vacation – depends on years and level – most employees get about 4 weeks a year, I currently get 5. You can carry over a years worth of vacation which means you can take two years worth in 1 year.

    There is also some way (and some requirements) for taking an unpaid personal leave of absence. I am not sure what these are.

  3. Emailed you my company’s because it was long and boring.

  4. Well, this includes the fact that I’ve been here 6 years, and only includes situations where I’m paid 100%-
    PTO – 30 days
    “Personal Holiday” (same thing as PTO) – 2 days
    “Family Sick” – 10

    Personal sick leave is taken from the PTO. Family sick is only supposed to count when caring for other family members.

    We may have a maternity/paternity leave policy but I’m not sure what it is.

  5. My brother in law got I think a week paid paternity leave (possibly two weeks). And he works in the IT field. 🙂

    If you’re really interested, I can email him for verification.

  6. Mine vacation is anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 weeks, 3 days based on how long you’ve been at where I’m at plus 1 week disability leave for each year of service at the company. (so if you haven’t had to use it and you worked 10 years at the company, you get 10 weeks disability leave paid)

  7. We have 5 “discretionary” days per year (use or lose), with vacation and sick days. Vacation is dependent on years of service: 2 weeks (10 days) to start, 3 weeks at 5 years, 4 weeks at 10 years, 5 weeks at 20 years. Don’t know details about maternity or paternity leave.

  8. Not IT, but at Borders you earn four hours of personal time/sick leave a month that you can keep forever. Vacation time seems consistent with the other replies on here- two weeks to start, then three weeks at five years, etc. They do not have paid paternity or maternity leave. I went on short term disability at 36 weeks because I was put on bed rest. I got paid at 80% for six weeks, and 60% for the remaining three weeks I was out.

    My husband got no leave whatsoever. He was back at work the day after Roland was born, leaving me alone in the hospital. He doesn’t get sick days and hadn’t yet accrued vacation time at his job (he’s an electrician). He could have taken unpaid FMLA leave, but we couldn’t afford it.

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